UV-Dayglow Show Color

UV-Dayglow Show Color is a special effect product for universal use, for example, on clothing and shoes, on bald caps and masks to achieve special glow effects under black light. The resins dissolved in an aqueous base ensure good adhesion. UV-Dayglow Show Color is shaken well and can be applied with a sponge or brush that is only slightly moistened. Alternative tools, such as our Effect Brush are also suitable to show splash effects.

كود المنتج:

مواصفات المنتج

UV-Dayglow Show Color is a special effect product for universal use, for example, on clothing and shoes, on bald caps and masks to achieve special glow effects under black light. The resins dissolved in an aqueous base ensure good adhesion. UV-Dayglow Show Color is shaken well and can be applied with a sponge or brush that is only slightly moistened. Alternative tools, such as our Effect Brush are also suitable to show splash effects.

يرجى الملاحظة!

قد لا تكون الظلال الموضحة في عرض الألوان مماثلة لظلال المنتج الأصلي. قد يختلف توفر الألوان المعروضة باختلاف البلدان.

ونحن نوصي

ماركة كريولان
  • Digital Complexion
  • Dermacolor
  • Aquacolor
  • Supracolor
  • Nebula
  • Pintura
  • Clean & Care